Category Archives: Dawwah

Ingratitude: A Forbidden Trait for the Believers

Ingratitude: A Forbidden Trait for the Believers Gratitude is one of the noble characteristics of the believers. Its benefits cut across different aspects of our lives! Depressed people are often advised to be grateful and focus more on what they have in life. Apart from the fact that Allah promised […]

The Six Fortresses You Need to Weather the Storm

The rise in unrest and insurgency in many parts of the world is on the increase every day. From suicide bombing to missiles and Covid-19 pandemic, the whole world has been thrown into turmoil. This has not only affected peoples’ standard of living and quality of lives negatively, but also […]

Beware of Your Heart

Beware of Your intelect

CONSCIOUSNESS OF THE HEART AND INTELLECT IN THE PERIOD OF CRISIS As humans, we find it easier to assess things in our realm. This is done using our intellectual ability and the assessment can either be for or against us.  You may wonder how our reasoning can be against us. […]

The Fitnah of Our Time

The fitnah of our time

  Seeking knowledge and applying it has been the bedrock of scholarship and leadership throug out Islamic history. All the prophets of Allah, the rightly guided caliphates and other leaders that came after them benefitted the ummah with their knowledge and practice of the Deen. However, like an elephant in […]



RAMADAN: THE WISDOM BEHIND FASTING IN THE BLESSED MONTH The month of Ramadan in which was revealed the Quran is a period that Muslims welcome with ecstasy across the globe. While the significance of this time cannot be overemphasized, the rewards that come with it are just too enormous. Ramadan […]


RAMADAN AS A TOOL FOR DISCIPLINING THE SOUL Alhamdulilaahi Robil Al’amin; It feels like yesterday when we were all anxious about how we would survive Ramadan in isolation but Allah’s plan prevailed. This Month of Mercy will be gracing us in a few days and we pray that Almighty Allah […]

Forgiveness and Mercy

FORGIVENESS AND MERCY . Have we ever wondered why Allah’s beautiful names started with Mercy: Ar-Rahman (The Most Merciful) and Ar-Raheem (The Most Compassionate)? Also, have we really pondered on why Allah described how forgiving He is with His Four Beautiful names? Al- Gaffar (The Forgiving) Al-Gaffur (The Forgiver) Al-Afuwwu […]