1. Start off each day with ‘adhkaar al-istiyqaadh’ (waking up Supplications),thanking Allah for waking up in goodshape.2. Put Allah first in your life.3. Broaden your horizons – learn 5 newverses from the Quran every day, travelto pray far in the mosque to brightenyour day,take up a booklet havingsupplications and read […]
Category Archives: Dawwah
Ruling on uttering the intention (niyyah) in acts of worshipShould a Muslim utter the intention (niyyah) when he starts to do an act of worship, such as saying, “I intend to do wudoo’”, “I intend to pray”, “I intend to fast” and so on? Published Date: 2008-06-17Praise be to Allaah.Shaykh […]
THE FIRST 10 DAYS of DHUL-HIJJA 1438.Wed 23 Aug. 1Thurs 24 Aug. 2Fri. 25 Aug. 3Sat. 26 Aug. 4Sun. 27 Aug. 5Mon. 28 Aug. 6Tues. 29 Aug. 7Wed. 30 Aug. 8THURSDAY 31 Aug 9 *(Yawmmul ‘Arafah)*.Fri Sept 1st 10 is *Eidul Adha* ).N.B: At least, if you can’t fast all […]
Information about jins Allah says (and He created the jinn and mankind only to worship)The jins see us but we do not see them because Allah has made a membrane in the eyes of man so that we do not see them because if we see them we might die […]
In principio creavit Deus caelum et terram. Propterea sicut per unum hominem in hunc mundum peccatum intravit et per peccatum mors et ita in omnes homines mors pertransiit in quo omnes peccaverunt. Iustificati igitur ex fide pacem habeamus ad Deum per Dominum nostrum Iesum Christum. Omnes enim peccaverunt et egent gloriam Dei.