Great Leaders in Islam: Lessons from the Past for Today’s Ummah
Community Dawwah Muslim Etiquette Religion

Great Leaders in Islam: Lessons from the Past for Today’s Ummah

Throughout Islamic history, visionary and righteous leadership has played a critical role in uniting the Ummah, spreading justice, and achieving...
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How to Make Your Marriage a Blessed Union of Shared Values
Marriage Qur'an Religion Salat

How to Make Your Marriage a Blessed Union of Shared Values

Allah created the universe with laws and commandments that govern and regulate the proper existence of His creations. And among...
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Contentment Against Comparison
Dawwah Qur'an Story

Contentment Against Comparison

Aminah got her phone from the table and scrolled through her Facebook feeds, then she made a deep sigh "hmmmm",...
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Steadfastness in Times of Economic Hardship
Dawwah Tawheed

Steadfastness in Times of Economic Hardship

The ability to hold on to one’s faith during troubled times is of immense benefit to a Muslim. The period...
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Understanding the Islamic Stance on Bribery [Ar-Rashwah]
Dawwah Islamic Principles Religion

Understanding the Islamic Stance on Bribery [Ar-Rashwah]

Have you ever found yourself in a position where you had to pay a bribe just to get what you...
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How important are the sacred months and how do we keep the sanctity
Dawwah Fasting Islamic Principles Qur'an Religion

How important are the sacred months and how do we keep the sanctity

Time has completed a cycle and has assumed the form of the day when Allah created the heavens and the...
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Islamic Principles Religion


The word “Rajab” comes from the word At-Tarjeem, which means exaltation because the people of Jaahiliyyah used to honor it...
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The Believers in Garment
Islamic Principles Muslim Etiquette

The Believers in Garment

The garment is a form of blessing (Ni’mah) that Allah has bestowed upon his slaves. Garments to a believer is...
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Parenting Strategies to Nurturing More Conscious Muslims Kids
Islamic Principles Marriage Parenting Sunnah

Parenting Strategies to Nurturing More Conscious Muslims Kids

Parenting can be a very daunting task. The interesting part is kids don’t come with a life manual. So this...
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Beware of Envy, The Destroyer of Faith!!!PART 1
Islamic Principles Muslim Etiquette Uncategorized

Beware of Envy, The Destroyer of Faith!!!

In this contemporary world today, some Muslims find it difficult to control or strive against their own selves (Jihaad al-nafs)...
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