AMONG THINGS THAT CAN NULLIFY ONE’S ISLAAM Sihr (magic or witchcraft) Whoever does that or approves of it is a disbeliever. The evidence for that is the verse in which Allaah, may He be exalted, says (interpretation of the meaning): “Neither of these two (angels) taught anyone (such things) till […]
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“This Alfa or Sheu can solve my problem…Let me meet him for help. In fact, he has helped many” That kind of mindset is not uncommon among Muslims of nowadays. Some people believe that other people are able to bestow mercy, forgive sins, overlook bad deeds, and give blessings the […]
Here is a bad way to be a hero… “Are they looking at me? Let me do it extra more!” Such a kind of mindset is no doubt a “show off” (riyya). Showing off is a minor shirk, hence Muslims should avoid it. It is an action performed to receive […]
“I swear on my mum’s life!” “Ogun gbo! (the god of iron is hearing) Venerating people or things in a way that does not go as far as ascribing lordship to them, is an example of minor shirk. Minor shirk includes everything that may lead to major shirk, or that […]
Have you ever say something like this before: “If it hadn’t been for him I wouldn’t have made it!”? One of the common mistake people make is saying: “If not for him/her, I wouldn’t have been here’. Or ‘If Allah wills and she will’ and ‘Had it not been for […]
A Mindful Talk! Have you been given an amulet (tira, rings, “holy” water, bante, etc) by any alfa, pastor, etc and you still have them? Do you believe it brought your destiny to pass? The wearing and using of amulets these days is becoming too common. Let me tell you […]
Yes! It is no longer a news seeing people fighting for children’s rights and women rights. BUT what about the rights of our parents who aside the fact that they did not abort us from the embryonic stages, they take us as their best friends. Parents right is one of […]
These messengers are not all of the same era They are not of the same family They are not of the same tongues BUT But they came to us with the SAME MESSAGE (peace be upon them all) Allaah says this in the Qur’an: “ And verily, We have sent […]
The Three Questions That Demands Immediate Answer. 1. Why am I here? 2. What am I doing in this world? 3. Why did Allaah create humans? These questions are questions which each and everyone of us reflects on sometimes. Every being comes into existence to fulfill a purpose given to […]
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HOW TO PERFORM WUDUU(ABLUTION, PURIFICATION BEFORE SALAAT OR PRAYERS). LETS REFRESH OUR MINDS AND ALSO MAINLY FOR OUR NEW MUSLIMS. The essential and voluntary acts are integrated here to demonstrate how the Prophet (Peace be upon him) used to perform wudhu (ritual purification). 1. Making the intention (Niyyah) to perform […]
1. There are great rewards in visiting the sick. Prophet Muhammad (Peace and blessings be upon him) has said that whoever visits the sick person in the morning then 70,000 angels shall be invoking mercy of Allah on the visitor and whosoever visits a sick person in the evening the […]