One of the foremost characteristics which men desire in women is her beauty. However, a wise Muslim man knows that just like everything else in this world that glitters, the beauty of his wife (or of any other woman, for that matter), is temporary. Hence, he focuses more on her […]
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It takes just about three small words to give your wife a compliment, and it doesn’t have to be every day, but it will have an enormous impact on your marital relationship. Those three words could be “This tastes delicious”, or “You look good”. Also, if you praise her within […]
Let me begin asking every man a question: can you carry a book on your head every where you go and every time for 9months? “NO”! I’m sure that is your correct response. Most men usually have no idea of the tremendous physical pain that women go through (carrying a […]
Dear Muslim reader, by now, you probably know what major shirk is — for example praying to statues, invoking others than Allah and so on. And you would never do this, right? However, there are other types of shirk which a lot of us slip into. Why? Because in our […]
“I swear on my mum’s life!” “Ogun gbo! (the god of iron is hearing) Venerating people or things in a way that does not go as far as ascribing lordship to them, is an example of minor shirk. Minor shirk includes everything that may lead to major shirk, or that […]
1. There are great rewards in visiting the sick. Prophet Muhammad (Peace and blessings be upon him) has said that whoever visits the sick person in the morning then 70,000 angels shall be invoking mercy of Allah on the visitor and whosoever visits a sick person in the evening the […]
The modesty of our women faded when our men lost their gheerah. Never marry a man who won’t enter Jannah!! The prophet Muhammad (sallaAllahu alaihi wa sallam) said “The Dayooth will not enter Jannah.” Who is the The Dayooth? He is the man who doesn’t have jealousy on his Maharaim(his […]
Imam Ibn ul Qayyim al Jawziyyah said: 1. Seeking refuge with Allah from Shaytan. Allah the Most High said, “And if there comes to you from Satan an evil suggestion, then seek refuge in Allah. Indeed, He is the Hearing, the Knowing.” 2. Recitation of the two soorahs al-Falaq and […]
By Lekan Yakub Dear reader, before you answer this question, I ‘ll want you to reflect about this short write-up. Last year passed by like a flash and the new year is here…whether it is 2016 C.E. or 1437A.H. For some people, the beginning of the new year is marked […]
Abul-’Aaliyah (d.90H) – rahimahullaah – said, “Learn Islaam. Then when you have learnt Islaam, do not turn away from it to the right, nor the left. Rather, be upon the Straight Path and be upon the Sunnah of your Prophet and that which his Companions were upon…And beware of these […]
THE ETTIQUETES OF SLEEPING Today science and medical research tells us the best and most healthy sleeping position is to sleep on your back or on your right side which we (muslims) were told 1400 years ago by our beloved Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings upon him). 1. Sleeping with […]
Here are some pf the signs that will make us to know that the END of the world is near as listed by Rafeeqee Islamic Mentoring. May Allaah not make us not to fall a victim. (Aameen ) – Homosexuality – People speaking ill of others’ ancestors – Clothing that […]