Category Archives: Religion

How To Cure Oneself by Performing Ruqyah

  All praise is due to Allah, we praise Him, seek His aid and His forgiveness. We seek refuge in Allah from the evils of our souls and the evils of our actions. Whomsoever Allah guides there is none to misguide and whomsoever Allah misguides there is none to guide. […]

Rethinking the Hijrah the Islamic New year and its Heralding Events

New Islamic Year

  Rethinking the Hijrah the Islamic New Year and its Heralding Events The history of Islam is incomplete without the Hijrah migration of the noble messenger Muhammad PBUH; the event that marks the beginning of the Islamic New Year. The journey from Mecca to Madinah occurred in this blessed month […]


All praise is due to Almighty Allah for making us muslims, for indeed the benefits that abound in being a believer is unquantifiable. The submission to the will of Allah and guidance of His Words and the teachings of His prophet (PBUH) make us Muslims. Allah has willed it upon […]

Seeking Steadfastness through Tawbah

The concept of Tawbah is often treated with negligence amongst people despite the fact that steadfastly holding unto it is the wisest and noblest act. Tawbah means “Repentance” i.e to return to Allah in sober reflection of our misdeeds. It is an important concept in Islam as it is said […]

Thinking Good about Allah, The Best Motivation

Thinking Good about Allah, The Best Motivation Have you ever thought that your sins might not be forgiven by Allah? Or you belong to the category of people who don’t have confidence in their relationship with Allah? If your answer is yes, then you may be doing yourself more harm […]

The Wonders in The Affairs Of Believers

The Wonders In The Affairs Of Believers When we look at our lives or the stories of people from the past, it seems to be that problems never seem to stop. The trials and tribulations make it appears that the affairs of true believers are not free from upheavals hence […]

Parenting in Islam

Parenting in Islam It is without doubt that every hoodum, thugs, thieves, kidnappers, bandits all stem from a home which affirms that global decline in morality has a lot to do with a Child’s family, home environment and social surroundings. It cannot be overemphasized that the home plays a significant […]

Qurbaani: A Feast of delicacy Or an offer of Submission and Obedience.

Qurbaani: A Feast of delicacy or an Offer of Submission and Obedience   Eid al-Adha is coming very soon. To most people, the best way to describe this blessed day is the slaughtering of animals. On a closer look, would it be enough to use this description? As Muslims, it […]

Ingratitude: A Forbidden Trait for the Believers

Ingratitude: A Forbidden Trait for the Believers Gratitude is one of the noble characteristics of the believers. Its benefits cut across different aspects of our lives! Depressed people are often advised to be grateful and focus more on what they have in life. Apart from the fact that Allah promised […]

The Six Fortresses You Need to Weather the Storm

The rise in unrest and insurgency in many parts of the world is on the increase every day. From suicide bombing to missiles and Covid-19 pandemic, the whole world has been thrown into turmoil. This has not only affected peoples’ standard of living and quality of lives negatively, but also […]

Beware of Your Heart

Beware of Your intelect

CONSCIOUSNESS OF THE HEART AND INTELLECT IN THE PERIOD OF CRISIS As humans, we find it easier to assess things in our realm. This is done using our intellectual ability and the assessment can either be for or against us.  You may wonder how our reasoning can be against us. […]