Author Archives: admin


Life is a few breaths that are interrupted by death at a time that one would not be aware of. When the breaths in the lungs of man are taken away, man will begin to regret wasting life on something that is of no benefit, alas, the regret does not […]

Gems from Surah Al-Hujurat; A Reminder for Mindful Muslims

Surah Al-Hujurat is a Madani Surah (it was revealed in Medina). The scholars of Islam had made it known to us that most Madani revelations are to strengthen the believers and to remind them of Allah’s Commandments and expectations from Muslims. This surah is indeed to strengthen and straighten Muslims. […]


▪ The followers of the Dajjaal.▪ What are some of the fitnah of the Dajjal.▪ Prophetic guidelines on how to protect yourself from the fitnah of the Dajjaal.▪ Who will kill the Dajjaal?▪ The death of the Dajjaal. THE FOLLOWERS OF THE DAJJAAL      The Messenger of Allaah (peace and […]

Islamic Perspective: Negative Effects of Child Comparison

It is an indisputable fact that every parent wants their children to be successful and be the best but so many of of us fail to recognize that each child, even a twin brother exists individual differences and hence we found that our society filled with toxic parents–grandparents, family members, […]

Significance of the day of Jumu’ah

  Jumu’ah (the day of gathering) is an exclusive day for Muslims as it has been decreed by Allah. A day where a whole chapter of the Qur’an (Suratul Jumu’ah:chapter 62) is dedicated to. The significance and the grace of this day of jumu’ah cannot be over emphasized as captured […]

How To Cure Oneself by Performing Ruqyah

  All praise is due to Allah, we praise Him, seek His aid and His forgiveness. We seek refuge in Allah from the evils of our souls and the evils of our actions. Whomsoever Allah guides there is none to misguide and whomsoever Allah misguides there is none to guide. […]

Rethinking the Hijrah the Islamic New year and its Heralding Events

New Islamic Year

  Rethinking the Hijrah the Islamic New Year and its Heralding Events The history of Islam is incomplete without the Hijrah migration of the noble messenger Muhammad PBUH; the event that marks the beginning of the Islamic New Year. The journey from Mecca to Madinah occurred in this blessed month […]


  Humans are natural created with insatiable needs. As some feel the need to get richer, others wants peace of mind, happiness, or freedom from worries and anxiety. While all these are necessary for every human, it is not certain that everyone will attain the desired goals. What then is […]


All praise is due to Almighty Allah for making us muslims, for indeed the benefits that abound in being a believer is unquantifiable. The submission to the will of Allah and guidance of His Words and the teachings of His prophet (PBUH) make us Muslims. Allah has willed it upon […]

Seeking Steadfastness through Tawbah

The concept of Tawbah is often treated with negligence amongst people despite the fact that steadfastly holding unto it is the wisest and noblest act. Tawbah means “Repentance” i.e to return to Allah in sober reflection of our misdeeds. It is an important concept in Islam as it is said […]