Dear brothers, Know that Islam encompasses all aspects of life and as Muslim we only need to go towards the right means as regards fulfilling our sexual urge. Many society or parents do not provide the right means to fulfil sexual urge (marriage) and even if we try it ourselves […]
Author Archives: admin
The following are few beneficial points on how to help your child to be chaste 1. Tell him/her not to freely mix with the opposite sex. 2. Tell him/her to lower his/her gaze and not to look at the opposite sex. This is done by lowering or averting their eyes […]
Rafeeqee Islamic Mentoring ( Q: Can A Man Beat His Wife? To be honest i was really astonished to read how you do answer all the questions cleverly. I really want to know more about Islam but every time I know something new, I get suspicious about it Bravely, I […]
In Islaam, there is no such thing as a girlfriend-boyfriend relationship. You are either married or you are not. This is what we Muslim children should know at the early stage. Parents should not wait for their children to come to them when they are teenagers to ask about girlfriend-boyfriend […]
1. Women should always use their hijab outside the home and in the presence of non-mahram men. She should cover herself properly and not expose her beauty. 2 Men should always lower their gaze whenever they are outside. It protects us from Zina of eyes. 3 Avoid unnecessary free mixing […]
Brothers and sisters in Islaam, Allaah says in the noble Qur’aan: “O you who believe! Follow not the footsteps of Shaytaan (satan). And whosoever follows the footsteps of Satan, then verily he commands what is indecent and wrong.” [Qur’aan 24:21] One of the Satan’s means to tempt people into sin, […]
1. Raise the family upon the guidance from the Qur’aan and Sunnah. 2. Shows good character and good manners towards his wife. 3. Doesn’t slack when it comes to the rights of his wife. 4. Does not check out any other woman other than his wife. 5. Is there for […]
A quick answer to the reason for which we all have a bent rib is that it is the form in which Allaah created the first man, Aadam (upon him be peace). Allaah indeed created us in our best form. After the creation of Aadam, Allaah created his woman from […]
It is now common for husbands to give in to their wives’ unnecessary demands — expensive foreign vacations, clothes, jewelry, a new car or a bigger house. Some even go as far as to relinquish their own relatives financially, because their wife’s demands are always first to be met. On […]
It is now common for husbands to give in to their wives’ unnecessary demands — expensive foreign vacations, clothes, jewelry, a new car or a bigger house. Some even go as far as to relinquish their own relatives financially, because their wife’s demands are always first to be met. On […]
Respect your spouse’s family and don’t ever unnecessarily degrade or demean any of his/her relatives, by pointing out their faults or making fun of them. If someone from his/her family is being unreasonable, by interfering in your matters or intimidating him/her against you, you can intervene to stop this action. […]
Respect your spouse’s family and don’t ever unnecessarily degrade or demean any of his/her relatives, by pointing out their faults or making fun of them. If someone from his/her family is being unreasonable, by interfering in your matters or intimidating him/her against you, you can intervene to stop this action. […]