You Have A Miscall!

By Lekan Yakub
Oh Muslims!…
This world is beautiful and sweet
…As well as filled with illusions and false hope
It is highl time we all return and turn back to our beloved Allaah
His first love for us is apparent…making us Muslims…Alhamdulillaah
And part of His love for us is the eternal bliss of al-Jannah prepare for his grateful servants and sincere worshippers. May He make us one of his chosen ones (Aameen)
But for those who are ungrateful and have turn against his commandments…the Jahanaam(Hell) will be there abode…May Allaah save us from that. (Aameen)
Oh! Muslims, won’t you still turn back to Him? What will be yours will never miss you and what will never be yours will never reach you…
So let’s look at our actions…and think of the excuse we want to give Allaah on the that great day…The Day of Accountability
And the bitter truth is: No one promise us tomorrow…If we die today…that’s the end
All these people that we think are our fans and friends will never be with us in the grave
What a great loss of we don’t die having the angels as our fans!
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