

These messengers are not all of the same era
They are

But what is Taaghoot?
–Taghoot is anything which is worshipped
instead of ALLAAH.
Jabir ibn Abdullah said they are: soothsayers,
fortune-tellers and the palm-readers
Ibn Qayyim al-Jawziyyah said taghoot is: –anything that causes you to exceed the limits
ordained by almighty ALLAAH is taghoot.
Anything that is “Taaghoot” should not appear in the dairy of a Muslim. A Muslim should not even move close to the soothsayer (those that claim to know your stars or future) even if they dress like an Alfa. We should be careful and never exceed the limits set by Allaah.
May Allaah ease our affairs and grant us success in this life and hereafter. (Aameen)
Lekan Yakub
Rafeeqee Islamic Mentoring (rafeeqee.com)

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