Secret: Why We All Loved Sheikh Ibn Baaz

Oh Allah bless the soul of Shaykh Ibn Baaz !!!

Young or Old, Male or Female, They All Loved Ibn Baaz (rahimahullaah)—But Why? What was The Secret?

Shaykh Ibn Baaz (rahimahullaah) replies:
“One time in his car I asked him,

‘Yaa Shaikh ’Abdul-’Aziz, I don’t know anyone except that they love you, young or old, male or female, this is almost something unanimous, what is the secret to that, O Shaikh?’
So he, may Allaah have mercy on him, tried to excuse himself from answering. So I repeated the question once or twice more,

so he said words to the effect,
‘I do not have spite/hatred for any Muslim, and I do not hear of enmity between two except that I rush to reconcile between them.’”

Al-Imaam Ibn Baaz, Duroos wa Mawaaqif wa ’Ibar, pp. 66-67.


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