
Easy Method: How To Memorize The Qur’aan

Ibn al-jawzee learnt the 10 qira’aat at the age of 80. A blind woman&mother in her seventies memorised the Quran. A lot of stories are abound.

Do not abandon complete memorisation of the Quran or Part of it. Below is a table of how long it would take inshaa’a Allah.

*mDaily portion Completion Time

1 verse 17 yrs 7 months 9 days

2 verses 8 yrs 9 months 18 days

3 verses 5 yrs 10 months 13 days

4 verses 4 yrs 4 months 24 days

5 verses 3 yrs 6 months 7 days

6 verses 2 yrs 11 months 4 days

7 verses 2 yrs 6 months 3 days

8 verses 2 yrs 2 months 12 days

9 verses 1 yrs 11 months 12 days

10 verses 1 yrs 9 months 32 days

Half page 3 yrs 4 months 24 days

1 page 1 yrs 8 months 12 days

2pages 10 months 6 days

May Allaah ease our affairs, Aameen
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