
Author Archives: admin

Ramadan Day5: Tafseer of Qur’an 9:6 on “one who commits shirk before the hujjah is established”

The following verses from the Qur’an and their tafseer clearly reject any form of ‘udhr (excuse) for the one who commits shirk before the hujjah is established, and confirms that this person is given the name mushrik by Allah and by the acknowledged mufassirun. Anyone who claims that a person […]

Ramamdan! How To Pray Taraweeh

The Ramadan nightly prayer (Taraweeh) has a special merit over other nights. The Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) said: “Whoever observes night prayer in Ramadan as an expression of his faith and to seek reward from Allah, his previous sins will be blotted out.” (Muslim) In this hadith, […]