Deeds that will be scattered like dust Ibn Maajah (4245) narrated from Thawbaan (may Allah be pleased with him) that the Prophet (blessings and peace of Allah be upon him) said: “I certainly know people of my ummah who will come on the Day of Resurrection with good deeds like […]
Author Archives: admin
I remember the first day I spoke in ‘tongues’ and also perform ‘miracles’ in Benue state. Here is how I did it: Every sincere Christian knows that none of the modern church goers who speak in tongues understand what they are saying and it is not Biblical at all! What […]
This practice is widespread nowadays, despite the stern warning of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him), who said: “Any woman who applies perfume and then goes out among the people so that they could smell her fragrance is a zaaniyah (adulteress).” (Reported by Imaam Ahmad, 4/418; […]
By Abu Tawamayn Actually, the fact is, there is no compulsion in life. You have choice; do as you like regarding religion, ideology, lifestyle, dressing, etc. Yes! You have right to accept the truth (submit, determine and govern your life in the right way) or just decide to be rebellious […]
Calling the common person “Shaykh” – Explained by Shaykh Uthaymeen Questioner: Is it correct to apply the term ‘Shaykh’ to everyone from amongst the people? Especially since this term has become widely used, so we hope for some clarity in this. Shaykh Uthaymeen: The term ‘Shaykh’ in the Arabic language […]
By Lekan Yakub The following are the suggested steps to take if one wish to be a practicing Muslim: 1. Pray to Allaah for assistance: Duaa (prayer) is a direct spiritual connection between you and Allaah. our Creator. Avoid being excessive or ostentatiouspray simply and humbly. 2. Perform Islamic obligations […]
By Lekan Yakub In my research about the life of successful Muslims as compared to the hardship we are facing today, I discovered that they have a strong WEAPON which they have used to break all obstacle. This WEAPON is not expensive at all and we don’t need to travel […]
By Lekan Yakub Dear Muslim Reader, We DO NOT celebrate birthday because it is not part of our religion and The Prophet (Peace be upon him) didn’t do it, neither did the sahaba nor those who follow them in righteousness. Shaikh AbdulAziz Bin Baaz, who is one of the most […]
Assalaamualyukum wa rahmatullaahi wa barakaatuh From Rafeeqee Islamic Mentoring, our website still remain: Kindly check the following narrations…May Allaah assist us all (aameen) 1. Allah’s Messenger, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, said to his companion Hanzala, who thought that life should be free from fun and […]
Most people don’t know about the following three things as regards their salaat: 1. It is Compulsory to say ”Bismillah In Wudu” Some people use to think that saying Bismillah (In the Name of Allah) was just Sunnah, or something that was recommended, yet voluntary. This is something we need […]
The following are 20 Easy, Fast, & Rewarding Good Deeds To Do for every Muslim: 1.Calling someone towards Good: Each day we learn something good or some new deed. If we share this with others, we will get the same reward. The Prophet (Peace be upon Him) said: “Whoever guides […]
By Lekan Yakub Assalaamualykum wa rahmatullaahi wa barakaatuh, As part of our Islamic mentoring activities on our website, I will like to share with you a short article on the importance of breastfeeding your child. Kindly read and share with others please. As a parent, one of the first […]