Teaching Children to Pray – Here are some tips

wudhuThere is an hadeeth from Abdullah ibn Amr ibn al-Asr, who narrated that the Apostle of Allah (peace be upon him) said, “Command your children to make salah when they become seven years old…” Abu Dawud

This does not imply that parents can just begin explaining to their children how to perform salat when they become seven years old. Rather, informal guideline ought to begin when a youngster begins to demonstrate an enthusiasm for salat, which normally happens around the age of two. It is just human instinct that kids try to impersonate their guardians-parents.
Here are some quick tips:

Informal teaching should start when child starts to show interest usually occurs around the age of two.
Let them pretend to make salah.
Invite them to pray along side and join the jamaah prayer.
At a young age, children usually imitate what they see, so it is important to always pray in front of them
One of the first steps is to learn al-Fatihah which should begin around the age of three or four. Break down the instructions by using reasonable number of verses or small segments.
The practice session should only last between 5 to 15 minutes. At this age consistency is more important than length of practice.
Remind them that they are praying to Allah to thank him for all He has given them
Important to remember that not all children are ready at the same time and that not everyday will the child be ready to learn new materials.
Educational products can assist parents in achieving success with their children because children generally learn in different ways therefore introduction of material through different format (video, coloring book, going to the masjid) will help ease and reinforce the learning process.
One of the most important thing that a parent should do is to praise the child for each accomplished task and encouragement to achieve more success.

May Allah count us among His obedient servants! O lord give us the power to do the righteous deeds (Aameen)!
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