Striking a Balance between Allah’s Decree and Man’s Ability

The subject of Qadar which is also known as the divine decree has baffled a lot of people for centuries and the debate is still ongoing. The Muslims are not left out of the scenario as the question now is: how do we balance these two scenarios that appear to be contradictory?

The subject of Qadar which is also known as the divine decree has baffled a lot of people for centuries and the debate is still ongoing. The Muslims are not left out of the scenario as the question now is: how do we balance these two scenarios that appear to be contradictory?

  1. Allah has absolute power and sovereignty over all His creation. So, He does what He wills to whomsoever He wishes.
  2. Human beings are responsible for their actions and inactions; thus, their destiny lies in their hands.

Islam through the lens of the Qur’an and Sunnah simplifies both extremes. The Sovereignty of Allah exists in an unseen state beyond time and space. Man, on the other hand, sees the reality within the concept of time and space. Hence, destiny is a reality that exists beyond time and space, but we are simply incapable of conceiving it with our limited thinking faculties.


Allah says:

“Are you not aware that Allah knows all that is in the heavens and earth? All this is written in a Record; this is easy for Allah.” — Qur’an 22[Hajj]:70

This implies that He knows everything and has recorded events preexistence, in existence and what is to come. To make this conceivable to us as humans, He described His record as a preserved tablet in which all these data is stored. For better understanding, the Messenger of Allah upon him be peace and blessings was reported to have said:

The creation of each one of you is in his mother’s womb for forty days or nights, then as a clot for a similar period, then as a piece of flesh for a similar period, then the angel is sent to it to announce four decrees. He writes his provision, his life span, his deeds, and whether he is blessed or damned. Then, he breathes the soul into it. Verily, one of you acts with the deeds of the people of Paradise until he is not but an arm’s length away from it, yet the decree overtakes him, he acts with the deeds of the people of Hellfire and thus enters Hellfire. And one of you acts with the deeds of the people of Hellfire until he is not but an arm’s length away from it, yet the decree overtakes him, he acts with the deeds of the people of Paradise and thus enters it. — Bukhari

This hadith clearly indicates that we are set upon our individual paths even before we were born. Our fate has been determined as the Angel writes down how we will live our lives and what will become of us. So, it is our conscious will and our actions that will follow Allah’s decree which has been prescribed for us. This is what may cause a change in the course just as the narration mentioned alteration towards the end of life. We have no control by ourselves over our destiny because the “pens have been lifted and the pages are dried already” — this tells that Allah is in control. What we can do to secure a good fate is to appeal to Allah through worship, prayer, and good deeds.

In sum, the following conclusions are worthy of note:

  1. The divine decree is an aspect of faith which we all must believe in as Muslim faithful.
  2. Allah’s preordainment exists as a separate entity, this we do not have to debate.
  3. Man is responsible for his actions and lax. You cannot blame destiny for your failures while standing and staring with hands akimbo.
  4. Whatever comes to you positive or negative is from the decree of Allah.
  5. You must strive for what you want. Walk in the path of your destiny, then pray to Allah for it to be a reality.
  6. Actions without the will of Allah is nothing. So, if you intend to do something, remember to say in sha Allah!
  7. If something befalls you, do not say “if only I have done something else” for what will be, will be.
  8. Do not be philosophical on the issue of providence nor argue about it, it is Allah’s Wisdom which is unknown to us. What the Qur’an and Sunnah have given us is the middle course and it is sufficient.

The Messenger of Allah said,

O Allah! Verily, I seek refuge with You from weakness, laziness, senility (of old age), cowardliness, stinginess, and the torment of the grave.
O Allah! Give my soul its good and purify it, for You are the best to purify it. You are its Guardian and Make.
O Allah! I seek refuge with You from a hearty that is not humble, a soul that is not satisfied, knowledge that does not benefit and a supplication that is not answered.

{Reported by Zayd bin Arqan, recorded by Imam Ahmad, in Muslim Hadith}

This prayer was said to be taught by the Prophet to his companions, and we are encouraged to learn it.

Another is the this beautiful supplication made by Umar ibn Khattab while circumambulating the Ka’abah:

“O Allah, if You have written me among the blessed, then affirm it therein. And if You have written me among the sinful and the damned, then wipe it away and affirm me among the blessed. Verily, You wipe away and affirm whatever You will, and with You is the Mother of the Book”. — At-Tabari

We ask Allah to count us amongst those sincere servants of His who truly believe in destiny, accept fate, and put it into practice. Ameen!