Reciting The Qur’aan Without Moving The Tongue?

*A Common Mistake | Reciting Qur’ān Without Moving The Tongue And Pronouncing The Words*

Sh. Ibn al-‘Uthaymeen Raḥimahullāh *was asked:*

Is it permissible for me to recite Qur’ān

without pronouncing its word i.e

by just following it with *my sight and reading it in my heart,*

will I obtain the reward of recitation??

The Shaykh answered:

*“NO, there is NO REWARD* for this act,

meaning a person does not obtain the reward of recitation

except by pronouncing *Qur’ān word by word*
and the words cannot be pronounced *except by MOVING THE TONGUE,*

as for the one who only looks at the lines and letters on a

Mus-ḥaf(Qur’an) and recites them in his heart

*then indeed he is not a ‘reciter’..*

so the summary is that the one who does

not utter Qur’ān then there is *NO REWARD of recitation for him.”*

● [فتاوى نور على الدرب]

The Imām al-‘Allāmah Ibn Bāz Raḥimahullāh said on this issue:

“There is no prohibition in looking at Qur’ān without reciting it

to contemplate upon it and to understand it and ponder upon it

but such a person is *neither a ‘reciter’ of Qur’ān*


*he obtains the reward and virtue of recitation*


even if he is not heard by the one who is around him,

as the Messenger of Allāh ﷺ said:

*’Whoever recites a letter from Qur’ān,*

*there is a reward for him and the reward of ten the likes of it’*

(narrated by at-Tirmidhee and ad-Dārimee with an authentic chain)

so a person is not a ‘reciter’ *UNLESS HE UTTERS* the words of Qur’ān as has been

mentioned in the writings of the people of knowledge and with Allāh lies the success.”

● [من الموقع الرسمي للإمام ابن باز]

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