General Islamic Principle: Some Rulings Pertaining To Jumu’ah

Some Rulings Pertaining To Jumu’ah:

Shaykh Saalih al-Fawzaan [حفظه الله] said:

«ويستحب التبكير في الذهاب إلى المسجد يوم الجمعة، فإذا دخل المسجد، صلى تحية المسجد ركعتين»

❝It is recommended to leave early to go to the Masjid on the day of Jumu’ah and when one enters pray two units of prayer for Tahiyyat al-Masjid.❞

[Al-Mulakhas al-Fiqhee, (1/196) | Translated By Abū Ruqayyah ‘Abd us-Samad]

Shaykh al-Islaam Ibn Taymiyyah [حفظه الله] said:

«والأولى لمن جاء إلى الجمعة أن يشتغل بالصلاة حتى يخرج الإمام…»

❝It is more right for the one who comes on Jumu’ah that he busy himself with prayer up until the Imaam comes out [to give the khutbah]…❞

[Majmoo’ al-Fataawaa, (24/189) | Translated By Abū Ruqayyah ‘Abd us-Samad]

Shaykh Saalih al-Fawzaan [حفظه الله] said:

«من أحكام الجمعة أن من دخل المسجد والإمام يخطب، لم يجلس حتى يصلي ركعتين يوجز فيهما»

❝From the rulings of Jumu’ah is that whoever comes to the Masjid whilst the Imaam is giving the khutbah, he should not sit until he has prayed two light units of prayer.❞

[Al-Mulakhas al-Fiqhee, (1/198) | Translated By Abū Ruqayyah ‘Abd us-Samad]

Shaykh Saalih al-Fawzaan [حفظه الله] said:

«من أحكام صلاة الجمعة أنه لا يجوز الكلام والإمام يخطب»

❝From the rulings of Jumu’ah prayer is that it is not permissible to speak whilst the Imaam is giving the khutbah.❞

[Al-Mulakhas al-Fiqhee, (1/198) | Translated By Abū Ruqayyah ‘Abd us-Samad]

Shaykh Saalih al-Fawzaan [حفظه الله] said:

«من دخل والإمام يخطب، فإنه لا يسلم»

❝Whoever enters [the Masjid] whilst the Imaam is giving the khutbah, then he should not greet [anyone].❞

[Al-Mulakhas al-Fiqhee, (1/200) | Translated By Abū Ruqayyah ‘Abd us-Samad]

Shaykh Saalih al-Fawzaan [حفظه الله] said:

«لا يجوز له العبث حال الخطبة بيد أو رجل أو لحية أو ثوب أو غير ذلك»

❝It is not permissible for him [i.e. the one who is sitting and listening during the khutbah] to fidget with his hand, foot, beard, clothing or other than that.❞

[Al-Mulakhas al-Fiqhee, (1/200) | Translated By Abū Ruqayyah ‘Abd us-Samad]

Shaykh Saalih al-Fawzaan [حفظه الله] said:

«وكذلك لا ينبغي له أن يتلفت يميناً وشمالاً، ويشتغل بالنظر إلى الناس، أو غير ذلك لأن يشغله عن الاستماع للخطبة، ولكن ليتجه إلى الخطيب كما كان الصحابة رضي الله عنهم يتجهون إلى النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم حال الخطبة»

❝Likewise, he should not turn right or left and become busy with looking at the people – or other than that – as that will distract him from listening to the khutbah. Rather, he should turn to the khateeb just like the Sahaabah [رضي الله عنهم] used to turn towards the Prophet [ﷺ] during the khutbah.❞

[Al-Mulakhas al-Fiqhee, (1/200) | Translated By Abū Ruqayyah ‘Abd us-Samad]

Shaykh Saalih al-Fawzaan [حفظه الله] said:

«إذا عطس، فإنه يحمد الله سرًّا بينه وبين نفسه»

❝If he sneezes then he should praise Allaah secretly [i.e. quietly] between him and himself [i.e. so that no one hears].❞

[Al-Mulakhas al-Fiqhee, (1/200) | Translated By Abū Ruqayyah ‘Abd us-Samad]

Shaykh Saalih al-Fawzaan [حفظه الله] said:

«يجوز الكلام قبل الخطبة وبعدها وإذا جلس الإمام بين الخطبتين لمصلحة لكن لا ينبغي التحدث بأمور الدنيا»

❝It is permissible to speak before and after the khutbah, and when the Imaam sits between the Khutbatayn [i.e. the two sermons] for a legal benefit. However, one should not speak about worldly affairs.❞

[Al-Mulakhas al-Fiqhee, (1/201) | Translated By Abū Ruqayyah ‘Abd us-Samad]

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