Author Archives: admin
FAITH ON FATE – Striking a Balance between Allah’s Decree and Man’s Ability The subject of Qadar which is also known as the divine decree has baffled a lot of people for centuries and the debate is still ongoing. The Muslims are not left out of the scenario as the […]
For every sane human, identity is essential. The belief system is critical in identity formation, as it sets criteria for rights and wrongs in all matters. Human beings are created with innate strength (Personality), and their belief system is a crucial motivator of that strength. The belief system is the […]
At-Tawakalu’ ala llah (Tawakkul) is the Islamic concept of placing complete reliance and trust in Allah’s plan. Allah says in the Holy Quran: “And put your trust in Allah, and sufficient is Allah as a Wakil (Trusteer, or Disposer of Affairs). (Q33:3) Why should We Trust in Allah? He created the […]
Our Parents, Our Pride! No civilization, culture or philosophy in the world underrates the status of parenthood. It is a golden heritage that influences the success and failure of generations of mankind. It is an identity of genetic, moral and usually religious status of individuals in our society. Parents are […]
It’s a fact that shaytan is to man an open enemy. He’s sworn to tempt him till he deviates from the right path. After being banished, Shaytan promised in Suratul-Nisa’ 4:119 “And I will mislead them, and I will arouse in them [sinful] desires, and I will command them so […]
A whole lot is happening around us. Everything seems like a race, a distracting rat race. The various fitnah of this world, ranging from global economic crisis, COVID-19 pandemic, irresponsible governments, social expectations; to mention a few, seems to have triggered unnecessary competition in our lives, distracting us from focusing […]
One action that we often engage our tongue with is to slander. This is the act of making false and damaging statement about an individual. With the New media and technology, slandering has gone beyond the use of the tongue. It’s now been gratified through keyboards and amplified with the […]
The Novel Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) is a global threat affecting millions of people and reflections on its may trigger several questions in the human mind; how can a very weak creation kill millions of people so quickly? Why are the rich and powerful nations not spared from it? Is there […]
Verily, you are upon great moral character — Qur’an 68[Al-Qalam]:4 The majority of challenges facing the world today can be traced back to one single thing — moral standards. From corruption to murder, every criminal activity stems from a lack of values and inappropriately build characters. A man who steals doesn’t think he’s […]
In the religion of Islam, there are 12 lunar months in every year. Almighty Allah in his wisdom however made 4 of them sacred (special) over others. Allah says in Suratul Tawbah “Verily, the number of months with Allah is twelve months (in a year), so was it ordained by […]
TWO DAYS AND TWO NIGHTS LIKE NO OTHERS TWO DAYS AND TWO NIGHTS LIKE NO OTHERS admin January 26, 2016 0 It is reported that Anas b. Malik- Allah be pleased with him-said: There are TWO DAYS and TWO NIGHTS the likes of which no one has ever heard of before: The […]