Question: We see some worshippers – may Allaah guide us and them – when they do sujood, they tilt their foreheads up so that they hardly touch the ground. If we try to advise them, they come up with silly excuses (such as not wanting to spoil their headgear, etc). […]
Author Archives: admin
By Adeyemo Yakub It true that most of us that call ourselves Muslims don’t know much details about the Qur’aan. This is not only bad but also saddening. Today I want us to spend few minutes to ponder on these verses from the Noble Qur’aan so that we know more […]
By Dr Zakir Naik There are severalmedical benefits of Salat(Namaz):- of offering Salah and as every Muslim knows that the best part of Salah is the sujood, that is the prostration. No wonder the Quran has mentioned the word sujood, prostration no less then 90 times in the glorious Quran. […]