Imam Ibn Al-Qayyim Allah never orders anything except that Satan takes two contradictory stances towards it: either shortcoming and negligence or over-zealousness and exaggeration. It does not matter [to him] by which of these two mistakes he becomes victorious over the slave. He comes to the heart of the slave […]
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Imam Ahmad ibn Hanbal – rahimahullah – said: You should know – may Allah have mercy upon you – that when the slave [of Allah] leaves his house to go to the mosque, that he is going to face Allah, the Irresistible, the One, the Omnipotent, the Exalted in Might, […]
By Ibn Qayyim al-jawziyyah The people will enter hell-fire through three doors: 1. The door of doubt, from having doubts in the Deen (religion) of Allah. 2. The door of desires, from putting desires ahead of the obedience and pleasure of Allah. 3. The door of anger, from hatred and […]
From Ibnul Qayyim’s The Path to Guidance, Chapter Nine, pp 89-92 ,Translated by: Aboo ‘Iyaad Amjad Rafiq (1) That Allaah, the Exalted, wipes away sins by the five prayers. (2) That the five prayers are an expiation for what occurs between them, if major sins are avoided. (3) That sins […]
Source: Taken from ‘The Abridgment of the Levels Of The People in the Hereafter By Ibnul Qayyim Rahimullah So these are the levels of the people, and their ranks in the Abode of the Hereafter, as mentioned by Ibnul Qayyim rahimullah, and they are eighteen in number. The highest level […]
“Children are a great blessing from Allah. With their tender hearts, children can be molded into righteous people only with a positive and tender approach. Islam considers children to be an amanah (trust) given to the family and says it is fard (obligatory) for the family to raise a child […]
“Having discussed the Islamic code of treating the elderly, it is now appropriate to give some practical examples from the Prophet’s life. We will see him listening politely and respectfully to an elderly polytheist, seeking to release an elderly man captured by Quraish, and honoring an elderly person and ordering […]
Another great quality of Muhammad was that he never took revenge on anyone for personal reasons and always forgave even his firm enemies. His wife `A’ishah reported that Allah’s Messenger was not unseemly or obscene in his speech, nor was he loud-voiced in the streets, nor did he return evil […]
“It is argued by many scholars that the central ethos of Islam is mercy, as it takes precedence over all other values and virtues such as justice, peace, knowledge, and benevolence. In his momentous work Mercy: The Stamp of Creation, Dr. Umar Faruq Abd-Allah establishes the transcendence as well the […]
“The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) is introduced in the Qur’an in these words: [And We have not sent you forth but as a mercy to mankind. ] (Al-Anbiyaa’: 107) This shows that his distinctive quality was that he was a blessing incarnate in word and deed. According to […]
Question: My questions involves many things. I am a very new convert and at first I was praying all prayers as best I could (I dont know Arabic) Someone told me I should only speak in Arabic, so in the end I have stopped praying. I think of Allah many […]
“Question: Where should the worshipper look when he does sujood and says the tashahhud? Answer Praise be to Allaah. When doing rukoo’, the worshipper should also look at the place of his sujood. When he is reciting the tashahhud, he should look at the finger with which he is pointing. […]