He Lost The Woman and He Lost The Religion! Ibn al-Qayyim (Rahimahullah) narrated: It is reported that in Egypt, there was a man who would maintain the mosques, making the call to prayer, etc. He was, by all outward means, an obedient person and devout worshipper. One day, as he […]
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Ibn Qayyim al-Jawziyyah, رحمه الله: “For the people of sins there are three great rivers with which they purify themselves in this world and if these do not suffice in purifying them, then they are purified in the river of Hell-fire on the Day of Judgment: 1. A river of […]
Some Rulings Pertaining To Jumu’ah: Shaykh Saalih al-Fawzaan [حفظه الله] said: «ويستحب التبكير في الذهاب إلى المسجد يوم الجمعة، فإذا دخل المسجد، صلى تحية المسجد ركعتين» ❝It is recommended to leave early to go to the Masjid on the day of Jumu’ah and when one enters pray two units of […]
Oh Allah bless the soul of Shaykh Ibn Baaz !!! Young or Old, Male or Female, They All Loved Ibn Baaz (rahimahullaah)—But Why? What was The Secret? Shaykh Ibn Baaz (rahimahullaah) replies:“One time in his car I asked him, ‘Yaa Shaikh ’Abdul-’Aziz, I don’t know anyone except that they love […]
Ibn al-jawzee learnt the 10 qira’aat at the age of 80. A blind woman&mother in her seventies memorised the Quran. A lot of stories are abound. Do not abandon complete memorisation of the Quran or Part of it. Below is a table of how long it would take inshaa’a Allah. […]
السؤالQuestion:: شيخنا نراك تتأخر في الإنتقال بين الركوع و السجود و الوقوف فما هو الوقت الصحيح للإنتقال؟Our Shaykh, we see that you take your time before moving into rukoo, sujood and standing. What is the correct timing for moving?الجواب : في الصحيحين ثابت عن النبي صلى الله عليه و سلم […]
*A Common Mistake | Reciting Qur’ān Without Moving The Tongue And Pronouncing The Words* Sh. Ibn al-‘Uthaymeen Raḥimahullāh *was asked:* Is it permissible for me to recite Qur’ān without pronouncing its word i.e by just following it with *my sight and reading it in my heart,* will I obtain the […]
Allah says: قَالَتِ ٱلۡأَعۡرَابُ ءَامَنَّاۖ قُل لَّمۡ تُؤۡمِنُواْ وَلَـٰكِن قُولُوٓاْ أَسۡلَمۡنَاThe bedouins say: “We believe.” Say: “You believe not but you only say, ‘We have surrendered (in Islaam),’ (Al-Hujuraat: 14) What is the meaning of this verse? And is there a difference between Eemaan and Islaam? (If so) what is […]
Summary of How the Beginning of Ramadan is Established This summary is based on what is contained in the Fatāwā of the Permanent Committee for Scholarly Research and Verdicts, Saudi Arabia (no.1657 et al), the Resolutions of the Council of Senior Scholars, Saudi Arabia, (no.1, no. 2) as well as […]
In principio creavit Deus caelum et terram. Propterea sicut per unum hominem in hunc mundum peccatum intravit et per peccatum mors et ita in omnes homines mors pertransiit in quo omnes peccaverunt. Sic enim dilexit Deus mundum ut Filium suum unigenitum daret ut omnis qui credit in eum non pereat sed […]
Praise be to Allaah. One of the conditions which must be met before starting to pray is to make sure that one’s body and clothes and the place in which the Muslim is going to pray are all clean and free of impurities. It was narrated from the Prophet (peace […]
The History of MawlidThe celebration of Mawlid occurred in the era of Banu Ubayd from the Shiites who are Rafidhis. They are called Fâtimis. These people innovated many celebrations for the Prophet صلَّى الله عليه وسلَّم, his Family and for others among pious people. They did even innovate celebrations for […]